Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tex Mex Vacation!! OLE!

We loved visiting Pharr, Texas and Progresso Nuevo, Mexico.
The food, sites, shopping and company were all excellente!!
Tori walking the line, so to speak!
The Rio Grande to US Citizens. In Mexico, it is called the Rio Bravo.
Progresso Nuevo was very colorful and very busy.
We went there 2 different days.
The border was only about 20 miles from
where we were staying in Pharr, TX.
The marketplace in Progresso was full of so much eye candy!!
Just about any thing you could think of was for sale there.

We ate at Angel's in Progresso Nuevo. Warning!
Do not try the free habeneros in the center of the table! The food was amazing.
It had much more flavor than what we have in the US.

We brought back so much 'truck' , we didn't think we would make it onto the airplane without having to pay a ridiculously high weight fee. Some how, we managed to escape that. Thankfully, they do not weigh carry ons! My suitcase and Bess's were opened by screeners. Apparently, x-ray machines must not be able to scan through marble, LOL!There were many dental offices, pharmacies,
beauty shops and vendors of all kinds.

Finally, we headed out....My one regret is that I did not take enough
pictures. There was so much to see I rarely remembered to pick up my camera.
I am thoroughly disgusted with myself. The colors, sites and sounds were inspiring.
I hope to return some day soon.
Our first glimpse of the Gulf of Mexico via South Padre Island, Texas. This was Bethany and April's first time to the ocean. They both squealed when we saw the shoreline. It was very exciting.
Dusk from the island across Laguna Vista toward the mainland.We stopped momentarily to steal a photo of this cool ship.
The gulf was amazing. Once again, I did not take enough photos;(
Enriquez/Fernando Wedding
I love that my Aunt and Uncle are holding hands! So sweet!
Dadgum wrapper Nell and Jim
This is my personal favorite of family photos!
The sun ruined this one:(.....but I am going to save it any way. This is the only photo in which Jeston was smiling at the camera The others were hideous,lol!
Isn't this a beautiful family?
Three photogenic people in one family. I am so jealous, LOL!

Dadgum it Jeston, ;)